We are super happy you are here to use our FREE food analysis and exercise tools. Here's some quick hints.
Please enable Cookies in your browser tools by clicking on Tools (FireFox) or Settings (Chrome) or Options (Internet Explorer) in your browser menu. Also make sure you have the latest version of Java. You can check to see if you have the latest version Java from Oracle which is needed to analyze your food.
Accessibility & non-Discrimination
My Food Record, a software system, is accessible by every person on an equal basis who has an Internet accessible device (desktop, tablet, or smart phone) and Internet browser. MFR uses text to convey information to visitors without images, audio or video.
My Food Record does not discriminate against people due to race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability or special needs, age or marital status. MFR does ask for visitor's age and gender which are used to compute a visitor's calorie and nutrient needs using research based algorithms which are non-discriminatory. Other physical data such as height, weight, pregnancy and breasffeeding status are used in this computation to determine calorie and nutrient needs.
Privacy Policy
My Food Record will not sell your data or email address. When you sign up for a free account, My Food Record will send you an email asking you to verify your email address is real by clicking on a link to My Food Record. The emailed link is intended to be clicked only once. Additional clicks on the emailed link will return an error webpage. After clicking on the emailed link, your account is activated so you can login with your email address and password. We will not ask you for your financial information, address, or phone number. Your physical data entered is stored in a cookie to enable the software system to calculate your food record analysis. When you close your browser and/or delete your browser cookies, our cookie is deleted.
My Account
If you Create an Account, your food records, favorites and custom foods, including your physical measurements will be saved. In order to provide you with a food analysis for your specific measurements though, we need to ask some personal stuff like your age, gender, height and weight as well as pregnancy and breast feeding for women. Enter your data in either US or metric measurements.
While you don't have to create an account to analyze your food or use our exercise tools, your food record will only be saved for today and as long as you stay on My Food Record IF you don't create an account. That is a big IF. As soon as you navigate off MFR, your data will be gone. Poof! Also, there are some sweet features that only people with accounts can use like saving your food records, favoriting foods and adding custom foods. Besides it is a pain to add your physical data each day you use MFR. Come on, create an account only you can see unless you share your login.
Edit My Account
On your Edit Account page, you can change your email. We will never sell or rent or give away your email. We may email you occasionally about MFR, but that's it! Promise. If you want, sign up for our newsletter at the bottom of any page. Then we will email our newsletter to you periodically.
As kids grow in height or you gain / lose weight, change your physical measurements in Edit My Account. All your food record results past, present and future will be adjusted for any changes in your physical measurements. We will re-calculate your Calorie Goal any time you make changes. While your Calorie Goal may not include any exercise or activities you do throughout your day, it will give you an estimate of how much you need to keep your body fueled. Exercise will help you lose weight or keep fit depending on exercises you choose. But our focus is not on calories.
You can change physical measurements for each family member living together who eat the same foods to see either one day or multi-day analysis results for each family member. Children and adults who eat together may eat more or less of the same foods at meals eaten together. Dinner time! Remember that the physical measurements of the person in My Account determine the analysis results for all food records entered as well as all favorites and custom foods. So, if you want to see the results for someone else in your family, just edit My Account to change gender, height, weight and age of the someone in your family.
Password Reset
If you forget your password, go to Password Reset and we will email the address you gave us IF you created an account. That's a big IF. Our email will have a link where you can change your password.
Change My Password
You can change your password anytime on Change Password AFTER you login.
If don't Create an Account, you will need to provide us with your physical measurements each time you want to use MFR. Yes, it is a pain, but we can't analyze your food record or give you exercise feedback without it. So sorry.
One Day Food Record Analysis
Each day starts out like an empty record until you select foods to add. Select a different date than today to add your food records for the past or future. We added a calendar for kids who forgot to do their homework assignments so they can go back in time. Add foods as you eat so that you don't go over your Calorie Goal. Going over your Calorie Goal regularly may result in weight gain unless you want to gain weight. You could create future food records as menus for future meals. Test out different menus to hit your Calorie Goal. Plan ahead.
So, you don't have to hunt and peck to find dates you added food records, we included a "choose existing record" option. If you click the drop-down box, a list of dates you have added food records will display. Tell us to see how many days you added food records. Ok this isn't a contest of who ate the most.
Search for foods in either the MFR database, your favorites or your custom foods. Your favorites and custom foods are unique to you and not shared with anyone else. Unless you give someone your login and that would be a bonehead move. In the food search results, you can change the number of servings or serving sizes before selecting foods you want to add. Yep play with it all you want. We will re-calculate the gram weight for any serving changes you make. Then click Add Food. WA LA!
If you want to change the number of servings or serving size for any food you already selected for your food record, just change the number of servings or click the drop-down box to select a different serving size. Bam make changes and continue with analysis. No not that kind of analysis.
As you add foods, you can favorite foods you eat often. That could be a big or small list. Depends on you. Favorites can be either from the MFR database or custom foods. Favoriting foods makes adding foods you eat regularly like milk to meals without having to search for milk or select your favorite serving size each time Favorite the servings size you usually eat.
If you accidently add a food you don't want, you can delete one or many. If you want to start fresh and delete any food record, either select another date without saving or delete every food you entered. Gone!
If you can't find the food you ate in the MFR database, use food packages you buy to add as many custom foods as you like. You can even favorite a custom food. They belong to you and you alone. No one else can see your custom foods. Click Return to analysis and presto change foods you added are still there while you were off in custom food land.
When you are done adding foods for the day, click Save & Analyze Day to see your analysis results. If you click elsewhere say exercise guess what, we will keep your food record for you as long as you stay on MFR. But we don't automatically save your food record to your account unless you save it first on the analysis page. Please don't leave without saving or you will have to repeat. Not fun.
If you want to enter your foods as you eat which is a great way to keep track of eating in real time, remember to click Save IF you logged into your account. Then you can come back several times during a day to record more foods. We're with you on your mobile phone. Remember if you don't log into your account and log foods then leave, your food record will not be saved.
One Day Food Record Results
OK so this is what you ate in one day and this page has a lot of numbers. Your Nutrition Facts results are unique to your RDA (nutrients you need like vitamins and minerals) based on physical data you entered when you created your account or on the Analyze page.
Some foods you ate may be missing nutrient values either from custom foods you added from food labels or the USDA. Yeah, we don't make up numbers to fill in the blanks. So, we have marked these nutrients with a red *. Otherwise, these missing nutrient values would underestimate what you actually ate. We don't want you to get the wrong impression. Sometimes food labels don't have all the nutrient values listed in your RDA or sometimes the USDA hasn't analyzed these nutrients in the foods you ate. We mark the missing stuff so you know.
Did you eat the right stuff to hit 100% of what you need? Nutrients in red have less than 66% of your RDA in your food record. That's kind of a tipping point between deficient and almost enough. Search for Nutrient Rich foods to add foods with the vitamins and minerals you need. Yeah choose to eat healthier. These red highlighted nutrients are lacking in your food records which can lead to poor health over time.
When you add Nutrient Rich foods to your food record, these nutrients will not be listed in the table of deficient nutrients. Yep add Nutrient Rich foods and see your food record get a higher score.
To help you see if you hit Your Calorie Goal based on physical measurements you added when you created your account, we show your Calorie Goal along with the Calories You Ate today. Kind of hits you right between the eyes? Makes it simple to see if you ate enough or ate too much today. While you may under or over eat on a one day, doing that for many days may move your weight down or up. And maybe not the direction you were thinking so these numbers help you see why.
If you ate more food than your Calorie Goal for today, you can click Yes to see how exercise can prevent weight gain. The difference between Your Calorie Goal and the number of Calories You Ate today will be copied to the Calorie Burn tool. Select an exercise to burn off the excess calories. Yep that simple. Now just go exercise. Since you can't exercise in the past or the future, the Calorie Burn link from your results will only display for today.
If you still need to make changes to your food record, click Return to Analysis link. No not that kind of analysis. We aren't in your head.
If your teacher or dietitian wants a copy of your analysis results, you can click your browser Print button. If you forget to print, at least remember to save your food record please. We can't recover it for you when you go elsewhere.
Edit One Day Food Record
Let's say you selected the wrong number of servings or serving size or you would just like to make some changes. You can do that. Type a different number of servings or choose a different serving size from the drop-down box. We will re-calculate the grams for you. When you are done making changes, click Save or Save & Analyze Day. Yep that easy.
Multi-Day Food Record Results
If you add foods on several days or a week or up to 30 days, take a look at your average record when you click the Multi-Day Results link. Really it is about how you eat over time that is important since you may not hit 100% of your Daily Value every day. Select a start and end date for the time you would like averaged then click Analyze. We do the math for you. We will highlight nutrients that are deficient in red. If any date within your date range doesn't have a food record, we will not include those date(s) in your average results. We will tell you how many dates actually had food records. No empty holes in your average.
Take a look at Calories You Ate average compared to your Calorie Goal. Too much food over time and you will gain weight. Too little food over time and you will lose weight. It's about balance between calories eaten versus exercise calories burned.
If your teacher or dietitian wants a copy of your analysis results over a range of days, you can click your browser Print button. We hope you remembered to save each of your day's food records first.
Find Nutrient Rich foods
OK we know you are not perfect and you may not eat healthy every day to reach 100% so we want to help. We've listed nutrients you are deficient in from your food record results page so you can search for foods to eat to improve Your Nutrition Facts score. You can select one deficient nutrient at a time to search for foods that are high in that nutrient you are lacking. Nutrient Rich foods are listed starting with the highest nutrient value. Yep top of the list is usually good. Some Nutrient Rich foods though may not be healthy choices like sugar or soda, but they may be high in the nutrient you selected. We will be working on flagging foods that are unhealthy so they don't display in your Nutrient Rich Food Results. Select Nutrient Rich foods to Add to Analysis to see how to they help you reach 100%. In the Nutrient Rich food results table, select foods you will eat so you can start to improve your Nutrition Facts score. When a deficient nutrient disappears from your list of deficient nutrients, congrats as you are no longer deficient in that nutrient. Way to go! You will find that some foods have other nutrients you are lacking so you may not have to add a lot of foods. Remember that adding Nutrient Rich foods will increase your calories so you may decide to give up eating some less healthy food or exercise more so you don't gain weight if you don't need to gain weight.
When you are done picking Nutrient Rich foods and there are no more deficient nutrients, click the Back to Analysis link. You did good!
Suppose you are just interested in searching for Nutrient Rich foods for one nutrient? Starting with an empty record, you can use the Search by Nutrient to find a list of foods starting with the highest nutrient value for a single nutrient. Once you find Nutrient Rich Foods you would like to eat, you can add them to a new food record for today or not. OK so this can be educational too.
My Custom Foods
Since your custom foods list may be long, we have included a search option. Then in the custom food results table, you can either Add a custom food to Analysis (your food record), Edit Custom Food if the food label has changed or you can Delete Custom Foods. You can also add custom foods to your favorites.
If you delete a custom food that you have added to a food record, the custom food data will still be in your food record analysis unless you delete that custom food on every day you with the custom food you deleted. OK that's a lot of deletes, but it's not easy to change the past.
Add Custom Food
This is where you add foods you can't find in the MFR database. Ok so we don't have all the foods in your local grocery store. Click the New Custom Food button. Using packages of foods you usually eat, copy the nutrient values from the Nutrition Facts food label. Don't add any extra numbers like zero even if the nutrients are missing on the food label. We will mark any nutrients with missing nutrient values in foods on your results. The drop-down boxes allow you to add nutrient data straight from food labels in lots of ways like % DV, IU, grams, milligrams, or micrograms. We will do the math for you. Yep you can skip that class.
When you click Save & Add Another, just continue to add more custom foods.
When you click Save & Return, we will return you to My Custom Foods which lists all your custom foods.
Edit Custom Food
To edit a custom food, you will need the food package to update nutrient values or servings size including gram weight. Don't make this stuff up seriously. We do not recommend you make any changes to custom foods unless the food manufacturer has changed their food label on the food package which doesn't happen very often. Otherwise your food record results that include that custom food will be wrong. Kind of like cheating on a test.
Save & Return will return you to My Custom Foods. And you are back to where you started adding custom foods.
My Favorite Foods
These are foods you eat often and are not shared with any other visitors. You can search your favorites to Add to Analysis (your food record), edit or delete favorite foods. You can Add a Favorite by searching the MFR database or custom foods. Try to favorite some healthy foods too not just snacks and energy drinks. Favorites will be a shorter list to search and will blend MFR foods and custom foods IF you favorite some of each. Heck you may not need to search MFR or custom foods very often if you add your favs.
Edit Favorite Foods
When you edit a food you have favorited, you are just changing the number of servings and serving size you eat most often. We will re-calculate the gram weight for your favorite foods. When you are done making changes to your favorite servings, click Save Changes. Yep that simple. Either a food is a favorite of yours or it isn't. It's your little secret.
Add Favorite Foods
Favoriting a food means you eat it often. This creates a shorter list of foods you usually eat so you don't have to search the entire MFR database to add foods to your food record.
Search for your new favorite foods in either the MFR database or My Custom Foods. Then select your favorites along with the number of servings and serving size you usually eat. We will re-calculate the gram weight for you. Continue to add favorites until you are done. Then click Save & Return. Kind of like going to your grocery store that only stocks your favorites so you don't have to walk down all those aisles of food you don't usually eat.
The exercise tools can be used independent of your food record or Calorie Burn tool can be used with your food record results. Either way we will need your physical measurements to calculate calories, time or exercises so we recommend you login first. Beats having to add your measurements each time. We post your current body weight on each exercise tool. Nope nobody will see this except you unless you share your login which would be a bonehead move. This will remind you to Edit Your Account if your weight or height has changed.
There are safeguards built in so you don't spend too much time exercising and so you have enough calories to fuel your body. Yeah there is more to living life than thinking about food or exercise. If exercise you select exceeds the minimum number of calories your body needs, we will limit your exercise so that your body has the fuel it needs. So that you remember how much fuel your body needs, we list your Calorie Goal on each of the exercise tools. Kind of like a gas gauge in a car reminds you of when your tank is empty. Exercise data is not stored at this time so play all you want.
Calorie Burn
Suppose you ate too much today and would like to burn off the excess calories so you don't gain weight if you don't want to. We will copy the difference between your Calorie Goal and your Calorie Total for one day or average number of days to the Calorie Burn tool. There you can select an exercise to burn off the excess calories and we will tell you how long you need to exercise. All based on your measurements.
Or you can add a number of calories you want to burn off and we will calculate the time it will take. Have fun trying out different numbers. But you still have to do the exercise to make a difference in your health.
Exercise Burn
Do you exercise regularly - 30 minutes a day at least 5 days a week? If yes, you can calculate how many calories you will burn doing an exercise. Way to go!
Time to Burn
Do you have a limited amount of time to exercise today? From a list of activities that will burn the most calories, we will calculate which exercises will burn the most in the time you have today. We understand you are busy and maybe this will help you decide to get some exercise you like in the limited time you have. Healthier than sitting on the couch playing video games.
Contact Us
If you have questions about how to use My Food Record, write us! We may use your questions as frequently asked questions (FAQs) to assist other visitors. By submitting your questions to us, you grant us a license to edit and reproduce your questions then incorporate them into My Food Record as well as other works. Your identity will not be publicly revealed and your email address will not be provided to third parties. Yep helps everyone use My Food Record.
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